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For fans of Sherlock Holmes, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and Pirates of the Caribbean, this quirky detective adventure is the first of an epic alternate-Victorian trilogy based on 100% unhistorical facts.

Available Now

The Crimson Run



The notorious Crimson duo strikes again!

The Industrial Revolution rages, and inventors race to patent the latest steam technology. But no one cares. They’d rather read The Crimson Run, the gripping series recounting the clever heists of the Crimson siblings. 


But when a series of suspicious deaths befall the inventors, Lady Isabelle Viece sees the connection between them and The Crimson Run column. Armed with her considerable inheritance, unrivaled intelligence, and immutable penchant for justice, Isabelle is determined to discover the Puppet Master behind England’s greatest scandal. There’s just one problem: she’s not a detective. 


With the constable chief, a crime lord, and a failed circus troupe as allies (oh, and Constable Alex Corbin—he’s there too), Isabelle takes justice into her own hands. Will she catch the Crimsons and stop the Puppet Master? Or will justice come at a cost she can't pay?

Join the book launch party!

March 23, 2024 

Simona's Coffee + Cocktails

At the Colton House Hotel in Austin TX

Bombastic Book Launch Party

Circus backdrop landscape - Midjourney.png

This is really good!

- Mom

Ok but get a college degree too. Just in case this doesn't work out.

- Dad

This is the best book ever! I love it so much! You are amazing! I love you!

- The New York Times (someday)

Terrific Testimonials

It’s silly and serious. It’s meaningful and lighthearted.

- Amazon Reviewer

I have found myself in DESPERATE need of book two

- Amazon Reviewer

I simply cannot wait to read the second installment of "The Crimson Run."

- Amazon Reviewer

Exquisite Events

Meet the

Audacious Author

Yasmeen Salama is an action adventure fiction author, cinematic music composer, multi-instrumentalist, and digital marketer, who grew up in Southern California and now resides in Austin, TX. She writes crime and mystery young adult fiction with a quirky, unique, humorous flavor. Her writing style and plots are inspired by books that challenged the rules of writing, such as the Princess Bride, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and The Stinky Cheeseman (best children's book ever!). Beyond that, Salama had no idea what else to write here for her author bio, and figured no one really cares anyway, and likely won't even read this, so she decided to just write down her thoughts at the time and hope she was right. Otherwise, this might be a bit embarrassing, especially since she's a writer. 

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